Give poor and deprived children the type of education and exposure that they naturally deserve. Your contribution can help them escape a life of poverty and hopelessness. For further details please visit www.ishafoundation.org/skip-a-meal.
Just by saving one meal once a week, you can...
· Support a rural child’s education
· Give a child a brighter future
· Help changing the face of rural India
Today they gave me a dump box to save my money every week for the benefit of poor children and for their education. Hmmm… I have started to support this project from this week. And U ?.
Content from www.ishafoundation.org/skip-a-meal
Then we both had to pick up another friend. There again we had to wait. Hmmm…I thought that I have to teach some punctuality for them. She came and met us by saying thousands of sorry.
We where standing in bus stop waiting for bus. Oops…the weather was too hot and we were wiping the sweat and were expecting the bus. After hours the bus arrived. Then some how managed to reached the office. Shocked to see, none of them where in office and we reached there too early. We waited for 3 hours in the reception to meet the manager. After that he came, we met him. We went through all the procedure regarding the project. Finally, we got the project from that company and it was a great success for us.People will fly once they obtain an expected and a fruitful result and always will forget the horrible situations that they have faced all the way to reach their success. The same way we forgot all that we had faced to achieve the destiny. A great relief after pain.
SNOOPYLove flows from her when we get into our home, any of our family members for that matter. She is very scared of blasting sound and at the time of Diwali she never steps out of the home. She is very found of the place under the cot. She loves to bark for unnecessary things, like she don’t like van or lorry passing our home (sounds funny isn’t it?). Her nature. She is very arrogant and never let any cats or rats in to our home. She will kill it for sure and Smoothy is exception for her. Her favorite food is bread, bun, jileabi, Jangiri and many more (Ha ha ha).
SMOOTHYCool and soft natured. Love to sleep all time. His favorite food is dosa that too it should hot and crispy. He will be in kitchen when we prepare dosa and special character of him is he used to climb up on our chair, call us and ask for the food as children do.
I love them so much. I wanted them to read my blog and enjoy reading what I have written about them, but then I know it is not possible…