First, let me wish Latif a very happy birthday. It was a blasting evening. It was Lathif’s b’day treat in Coffee Day. I met my friends after some 10 months or so. Had a great time, chatting with Fazlu, Akthar, Gokz and Latif, recalling our sweet memories of our school days.. I took my slam book with me when I went to meet them.Just to let them know how their wishes, thoughts, likings, favorites have changed as years pass by.
                     Gokul, he doesn’t even remember some of our class mates name and Akthar has good memory power in that matter. But I really liked the phrase which Gokul was saying to Latif. He said, “Ennaku ivala pidikalanaalum eva thoughts pidichiruku da”. That’s a great compliment for me. Thanks for that da. Hey Latif, thanks for acting upon my words and you are as sweet as ever and fazlu, please take care of your physique. Ha Ha Ha..jus kidding man..
                     You all know one thing, these people where real enemies of mine during our school days. Yes, life has changed a lot and it brings me a smile when I think of our fights and extreme dislike which I had for them before.Cool guys.
                     Enjoyed the evening, ate well, had great time.. But it would have been still better if Nana, Ranji, Vinoth and Syed were also there. We were missing you people. I am waiting for our next meet…